The Midland Daily News is a six-day newspaper serving the Mid-Michigan area, including Midland, Bay and Gladwin counties.
The region is located the middle of Michigan’s lower peninsula – the center of “the Mitten.”
Unique flavor
Here are a few of the acronyms and proper nouns you may see in stories and use in headlines:
- Midland Public Schools: MPS
- Michigan State Police: MSP
- Midland Police Department: MPD
- Midland High School: MHS
- Dow High School: Dow High
- Central Michigan University: CMU (Mascot: Chippewas)
- Saginaw Valley State University: SVSU (Mascot: Cardinals)
- Delta College: Delta (Mascot: Pioneers)
- Meridian: Meridian Public Schools
- Midland Center For the Arts: MCFTA
- Women of Michigan Action Network: WOMAN
- Bay City Western High School: BC Western
Michigan government
- County governments are in charge of areas not in a city or townships. A county commission of elected officials oversees the county administrator who actually runs day-to-day county operations – excluding the County Road Commission, which operates independently.
- City commission is an elected body that oversees the city administrator who runs the who day-to-day operations.
- Townships and villages are the smallest unit of government we cover – independent of county and city government.
Newspaper cadence
Monday (generally A 8 pages; B 6 pages)
- A1: Front page
- A2: Jump page
- A3: Inside Front Page
- Includes centerpiece, misc. lighter news stories and MyMichigan Health column. DO NOT jump content to this page.
- A4: Opinion
- Dr. Omar Haqqani, Savvy Senior by Jim Miller, “Roses” editorial column and an editorial cartoon.
- A5: Syndicated
- Dear Abby and Dr. Roach every day.
- Sudoku
- Fill remainder with What’s Happening events calendar.
- A6: TV grid and TV news
- A7: Jumps
- A8: Weather grid, obits, jumps.
- B1: Sports front
- B2: Sports page 2
- Mix of jumps, wire, agate.
- B3: Comics and crossword puzzle
- B4-6: Classifieds, jumps, fill
Tuesday-Friday (generally A 8 pages; B 8 pages)
- A1: Front page
- A2: Jump page
- A3: Inside Front Page
- Includes centerpiece, misc. lighter news stories and Midland County Crime Log on bottom of page. DO NOT jump content to this page. Try not to jump content FROM this page.
- A4: Opinion
- Letters to the editor, local or syndicated columns and an editorial cartoon.
- A5: Syndicated
- Dear Abby and Dr. Roach every day.
- Fill remainder with What’s Happening events calendar.
- A6: TV grid and TV news
- A7: Jumps
- A8: Weather grid, obits, jumps.
- B1: Sports front
- B2: Sports page 2
- Mix of jumps, wire, agate.
- B3: Comics and crossword puzzle
- B4-6: Classifieds, jumps, fill
Saturday (generally A 8 pages; B 6 pages)
Tuesday-Friday (generally A 8 pages; B 8 pages)
- A1: Front page
- A2: Jump page
- A3: Inside Front Page
- Includes centerpiece, Meet Your Neighbor, Business Matters and Crime Log. DO NOT jump content to this page. Try not to jump content FROM this page.
- A4: Opinion
- Letters to the editor, local or syndicated columns and an editorial cartoon.
- A5-6: Jumps
- A7: Jumps
- A8: Weather grid, obits, jumps.
- B1: Sports front
- B2: Sports page 2
- Mix of jumps, wire, agate.
- B3: Comics and crossword puzzle
- B4-6: Classifieds, jumps, fill
- C1: Local (4 pages)
- Business Matters
- Toast of the Town beer column
- C2-4
- Classifieds, jumps, fill
- D1: Accent (8 pages)
- A mix of local and syndicated content
- D2: Sudoku answers and jumps
- D3: LA Times Crossword Puzzle, cribbage scores, puzzle answers
- D4-5: TV Grid info for Saturday and Sunday
- D6: Parent’s Corner event schuedule, Barley McTavish column
- D7: Throwback history photo feature
- D8: Comics and Crossword Puzzle